See above for a typical evening in our household - pre-Frugal August.
Note the positioning of the hands for optimum thumb control of cribbage cards. This has been perfected through hours of experimentation. Any question asked to this man will almost certainly be answered with a pause, and then, "Huh? What'd you say?" Don't get me wrong - I'm equally guilty. I don't know if Candy Crush Addicts Anonymous exists, but I may be in need of a support group. Must....clear...the jelly..... If you don't know what I'm talking about, that's a good sign. Don't ever find out.
We're addicted to our smartphones. I feel ridiculous telling the little FA to "Put down that Kindle right now and pay attention!" when both her father and I are glued to our three and a half inch screens. There are plenty of nights when we're putting on a TV show on Netflix, sitting on the couch and playing games on our phones without even really keeping track of what's on the TV. This has to stop.
One of the goals of Frugal August is to reconnect. Reconnect with each other as a family, reconnect with our bodies, reconnect with the world that exists outside of Facebook, video games, TV and the almighty Internet. Admittedly, we're using the Internet to share this experience, but hey, all things in moderation, right? The funny thing is that we talk about how wonderful it is when we go camping and turn our phones off. Turns out, we can do that AT HOME, too?!?!?!
The plan for this month is no TV and minimal laptop/cell phone/electronic use. Especially during the evenings, when we should be enjoying what little free time we do have during the week by spending time with our family.
Who knows what we'll do with all this spare time? Will Mr. FA get flabby thumbs without daily online cribbage tournaments? Will Mrs. FA get passed by all those other Candy Crush players on the candy trail?!?!?!?! Stay tuned to find out!!